2.01 Задание 10. Задание на понимание основного содержания прочитанного текста
Попробуйте повторить позже
Установите соответствие между текстами А-G и заголовками 1-8. Запишите свой ответ последовательностью цифр, где первая цифра - заголовок к тексту A, а последняя - заголовок к тексту G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
1. An inaccurate stereotype
2. Music is everywhere
3. A magical sound
4. Working for benefits
5. Misleading ideas
6. An illusion of learning
7. No more secrets?
8. Technological discoveries
A. Magpies do not have the best of reputations. They are well known for their thievery, enthusiastically collecting shiny objects to decorate their nests. In the past, when people kept magpies as pets there were plenty of opportunities for birds to pick up objects of value. However, even though the birds do pick up all sorts of things to explore them there is absolutely no evidence that people have ever found anything silver or of value in a magpie's nest. Magpies are not thieves, they are merely inquisitive.
B. When a cat purrs, you might think it is as simple as a human smiling or a dog wagging its tail joyfully, but it's more complicated than that. Cats don't just purr when they're happy but also when they're distressed or afraid. Evidence shows that purring is not only a method of communication but a defence mechanism and a way to keep calm in stressful or painful situations. The low frequency of a cat's purr causes a series of vibrations inside their body that can ease breathing, heal injuries and build muscle while acting as a form of pain relief.
C. Have you ever noticed that the more times you read the text the less you remember it? A survey stated that the most commonly used strategy of school and university students is repeated reading. That means that they simply read through books or notes over and over again. This passive and shallow strategy produces minimal or no studying. Mostly it happens because when we read the material again and again, it becomes familiar and easy for our minds to process. However, it doesn't mean that we have mastered it.
D. Understanding how dogs and puppies learn will give you the power to control your best friend. In wild animals energy is precious. When food runs out, energy rapidly follows. Everything the animal does has an energy cost, so animals have evolved to do what paybacks them. In other words, when things 'get better' for your dog, it will try that behaviour again. Next time you train your dog, deliberately reward it for something that you like, because a well-behaved dog is actually a happy dog.
E. From Egyptian harps to Roman trumpets, from Mesopotamian songs to Greek hymns, not to mention a wealth of vases, frescoes, statues, and tablets, testifying to the importance of music in ancient societies. Songs and melodies were a constant presence in public life. They accompanied religious rites to attract the attention of the gods, they were performed at important events related to social-political power, and even played on the battlefield, sounding the signal to attack, and in parades to celebrate a victory.
F. Baby girls wear pink. Baby boys wear blue. Little girls join the dance. Little boys play hockey. Young ladies study teaching. Young men study math. Nice women marry nice men, raise nice little boys and girls, and the cycle of stereotypical life continues unless you make a conscious effort to let yourself be who you are. Stereotypes create a misconception of who people are and how they live in other cultures, religions, or countries. They are bad even when they're good. And this is a big problem in our multicultural society.
G. It is easy to believe that we have mapped the entire world and that the idea of uncharted waters, mysterious islands untouched and creatures unseen by humankind seems fantastic. Surely we've found everything there is to find? Not necessarily. Back in 2012, an ecologist and conservation scientist discovered a new ecosystem on satellite imagery. He used satellite maps to navigate to a place and drones to hike the mountain, which up until then had only been a bird's-eye view image on a satellite.
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